Each submission will be refereed by 2 or 3 members of the scientific committee. Submissions can be of two types: regular papers (12 pages maximum in Times 10) for plenary sessions and short papers (3 pages maximum in Times 10) for parallel sessions. Regular papers could be shifted to parallel sessions, depending on their evaluation.



A (not exhaustive) list of topics includes:


Agent-based simulations of social phenomena

Computational models of social phenomena

Cognition, cognitive agents and social behaviour

Agent-based computational economics

Applications of computer simulation and agent-based models to empirical studies

Socially inspired artificial intelligence

Participatory modelling and simulation

Applications of social simulations to policy issues

Methodological aspects of social simulation

The use of computational models to analyse empirical, statistical and experimental data

Verification and validation of simulation models

Artificial societies

Simulation of market dynamics

Simulation of societal transitions

Application of computational models to geographical and urban phenomena

Statistical techniques for simulation

Simulation of social network dynamics and evolution

Agent-based simulations of opinion dynamics

Computational models of reputation

Simulation of socio-political conflicts

Simulation models of culture dynamics

Computational organisation science



Scholars who are interested in exploring epistemological issues are kindly invited to submit their contributions to EPOS 2008 (Third Workshop on Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation), which will be held in Lisboa, Portugal, in October 2008.



Click here to submit your paper. To submit a tutorial proposal, see below.


Important Dates

May 1st, 2008

Deadline for Full Papers, Short papers and Tutorial proposals

May 15th, 2008

Extended Deadline for Full Papers, Short papers and Tutorial proposals

June 15th, 2008

Notification of Acceptance

June 20th, 2008

Opening of the registrations

July 20th, 2008

Deadline for submission of final manuscript

July 20th, 2008

Deadline for early registration

September 1st-5th, 2008




Format for the Submission

The format for submission is the one of LNCS
(Download the word package)



Information Needed for Proposal of Tutorials in ESSA 2008

The proposal should include the following information:


Title of the Tutorial

Information of Tutor(s): * Name, Title, Affiliation

Content of the Tutorial (about 400 words)

Length (time) of Tutorial

Required Facilities (such as video projector and network connection)

Contact Person: * Name, Title, Affiliation, E-mail address, Phone/Fax Number, Postal Address


All the sessions of tutorials will be scheduled on Monday 1st September 2008.
Information should be sent to
Flaminio Squazzoni



Best accepted papers will be included in the post-proceedings that will be published as a special issue on "Mind&Society" in 2009.  





Fifth European Social Simulation Association Conference, University of Brescia, 1-5 September 2008